Launch of CIETECH's zone


Last Thursday was the launch of CIETECH’s Zone. It is a place that serves as a laboratory for the development of innovations related to smart retail and experiential technologies.

CIETECH’s Zone is also a technological presentation space for companies who want to showcase their breakthroughs in the tech and digital fields.

ALTKEY has received a special invitation to showcase its interactive mural and several other achievements in virtual reality and augmented reality.

Even though there was a lot in visitors (all with private invitation) the event was very well organized. In addition to numerous meetings with companies from the industrial sector, it was also an opportunity to share our knowledge and expertise with other technology companies.

We would like to say: “thank you Cietech”! It will certainly be an experience to renew!


Newspaper article: La médiathèque Hebdo Rive Nord (27 february 2018)

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